Fulfilling our mission relies 100% on individual donations from people like you!

Ways to donate!

  • Donation through our online platform CLICK HERE

  • Help us raise money for our cause by donating to our T-Shirt Fundraising Program. Get a FREE Heart Ukraine t-shirt with donations of $50 or more!

    Make your secure donation online using this Zeffy link.


    Send checks made payable to Mariya Kemper Reiss to 3083 Northwest 30th Way, Boca Raton, FL 33431.

    Please indicate “Boca Helps Ukraine” in the memo section and include your t-shirt size(s) and delivery information.

  • Yes, Boca Helps Ukraine is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

  • Yes, simply mail a check payable to Boca Helps Ukraine to 3083 NW 30th Way, Boca Raton, FL 33431. For wire transfers , please email Mariya Kemper at

  • A donation receipt will be sent to you at the email address you provide when you submit your donation. Please be sure to keep a copy of your receipt for tax purposes.



Get a FREE Heart Ukraine t-shirt with every donation of $50 or more!

Support our T-Shirt Fundraising Program! We believe every custom Ukraine Heart T-Shirt we distribute has the power to start conversations and unite passion in our local community. Our goal is to give out 325 t-shirts to raise critical funds needed to support our mission. Please donate to our t-shirt fundraiser today!